Home Muslim World News Brown vows to prevent Iran’s nuclear weapons programme

Brown vows to prevent Iran’s nuclear weapons programme

By Xinhua,

Jerusalem : British Prime Minister Gordon Brown Monday said his country will continue its efforts to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

“I promise that just as we have led the work on three mandatory sanctions resolutions of the UN, the UK will continue to lead, with the United States and our European Union partners, in our determination to prevent an Iranian nuclear weapons program,” Brown told the Knesset, the Israeli parliament.

Brown is on a two-day visit to Israel and the Palestinian territories, his first to the region since taking office in June 2007.

In the first address given by a British premier to the Knesset, Brown said Iran now faces “a clear choice to make – suspend its nuclear programme and accept our offer of negotiations or face growing isolation and the collective response not of one nation but of many nations.”

Israel, the United States and some other countries accuse Iran of secretly developing nuclear weapons, but the Islamic republic denies the charge, insisting that its nuclear programme is only for civil purposes.