Home International EU tightens travel sanctions on Mugabe’s regime

EU tightens travel sanctions on Mugabe’s regime


Brussels : The European Union (EU) Tuesday agreed to tighten sanctions against the regime of Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe.

European foreign ministers meeting in Brussels decided to increase a list of around 130 Zimbabwean political and military figures banned from entering the EU by 36.

In addition business relations were prohibited with four companies which EU diplomats said have links with Mugabe.

The sanctions were tightened in response to Mugabe, 84, being sworn in as president for a further five years in June following a run-off election he alone contested. His opponent Morgan Tsvangirai boycotted the election after dozens of his supporters were killed by ruling party militia.

“The international community supports the will of the people for change,” British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said.

Talks between Zimbabwe’s political parties on the formation of a powersharing government were due to get underway Tuesday in South Africa, a day after Mugabe and Tsvangirai inked an agreement to negotiate.

“We are still far from what is needed in Zimbabwe,” said Finnish Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb. “It is much too early to consider a relaxation of the sanctions.”