Home International Macedonia”s security stable after elections violence — PM

Macedonia”s security stable after elections violence — PM


Sarajevo : Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski declared on Monday security conditions in his country were stable saying violence witnessed in Parliamentary elections on Sunday did not affect general peace.

Macedonia’s television quoted the minister as saying security was back to normal in the areas that witnessed the violence, adding that there was no tension after authorities arrested those responsible for the troubles.

The electoral process was “successful,” Gruevski said, however he pointed out polling held in areas that witnessed violence would be repeated.

Meanwhile, the spokesman of the committee supervising the election, Zoran Tanevski, said violence erupted in two electoral centers on Sunday after voters of Albanian origin quarreled with the head of the center after he refused to allow them to vote.

The wrangle led to a gunfire shooting in which several people of Albanian origin were injured, he added.

The Democratic Party of Albanians in Macedonia said in a press release that the Macedonian Police killed an Albanian and injured others and claimed that they did not obey orders during one of the violence incidents.

The release, quoted by a local radio station, added that the police used violence against the Albanian citizens, tried to prohibit some of them from voting and opened fire at protestors.