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Indian Muslim leader vows to fight terrorism


New Delhi : Notwithstanding their differences, the Indian Muslim community and their leaders have joined hands in their struggle against terrorism. Speaking at a press conference in New Delhi yesterday, Maulana Arshad Madani, a scholar from the Jamiat Ulema-i-Hind, said that terrorism and extremism are against the basic tenets of Islam, and described Western powers as terrorists. He also referred to an edict issued recently by Darul Uloom, Deoband (Uttar Pradesh), which said the “killing of innocent people is not compatible with Islam.”

Criticizing the US and its allies for their policies toward Palestine, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan, Madani said, “Israel has unleashed a reign of terror against the Palestinians. Innocent people, women and children are victims of Israeli barbaric acts. Iraq is on the verge of disintegration. Afghanistan has turned into a graveyard.”

He added, “The Zionist and imperialist powers are using all resources to establish hegemony over Islamic countries.” Madani said that although there seemed to be no end to the US’ targeting of Islamic nations “no effort is being made by the so-called civilized world to help the Palestinians.” “Divisive and communal forces are trying hard to vitiate the atmosphere by indulging in disruptive policies. Their aim is not only to tarnish the country’s democratic image, but also foment trouble among various communities for their own political objectives and goals,” he added. Explaining how Muslims are held responsible for terrorism in India and unjustifiably arrested, even when there is no evidence of their involvement, Madani said, “Hundreds of innocent youths are languishing in jails across the country and no legal aid is being extended to them to prove their innocence.

These youths are held in jails without trial for several years, which is against the basic norms of justice.” He added that madrasas are “described by western and communal forces as breeding grounds for terrorists… The biggest terrorists are the ones who are indulging in such propaganda.” Expressing the need to take strong action against forces that are bent on destroying the “secular fabric” of India, Madani said, “The saddest part is that secular and democratic forces have remained mere spectators to the plight of minorities.

Minorities are used only as vote banks and nothing concrete has been done for their socio-economic upliftment.