Home Muslim World News EU’s Solana hopes for Tehran’s positive response to six-nation nuclear incentives package

EU’s Solana hopes for Tehran’s positive response to six-nation nuclear incentives package

By Xinhua,

Tehran : EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana said on Saturday that he hoped for a positive response from Iran soon to the nuclear incentives package offered by the six major world powers.

“I hope that the answer will be soon and positive,” Solana told a press conference after talks with Iranian officials on Saturday.

“It is an offer that is going to be considered (by Iran) and we are waiting for the answer that they hope will be soon,” he said, adding the offer is “full of opportunities for Iran” and may become the “starting point for real negotiations.”

“We fully recognize Iran’s rights to nuclear energy for peaceful purposes,” said Solana, stressing the need to build trust in “the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program.”

He said: “We want to have a fully normalized relationship in all the fields, in particular the nuclear field.”

Solana, meanwhile, noted that the six major world powers want Iran to suspend enrichment during negotiations regarding the offer. “We continue to ask for suspension, suspension during the time of negotiations and we will (then) see the outcome of negotiations.”

Iran’s government spokesman Gholam Hossein Elham said on Saturday that the country will reject any nuclear deal offered by major world powers that demands a suspension of its uranium enrichment.

Solana, who arrived in Tehran late on Friday for talks aimed at solving Iran’s standoff with the West over its nuclear program, held meetings with Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki and Saeed Jalili, the country’s top nuclear negotiator and Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council.

Iran’s answer to the new offer of trade and other incentives by six major powers will be based on logical and constructive answers to Iran’s package, Mottaki said after receiving the package delivered by Solana.