Home India News Security on high alert as 30 militants sneak into Jammu Kashmir

Security on high alert as 30 militants sneak into Jammu Kashmir

By News Agency of Kashmir,

Jammu : Security agencies in Jammu and Kashmir have been put on high alert following the intelligence inputs that around thirty militants have managed to sneak into this side of border through various routes in Poonch and Rajouri districts.

Meanwhile, security forces on Thursday again came under `hostile fire’ from across the border along the Line of Control (LoC) at Krishana Ghat Sector of Poonch district, which was third incident in last four days in the district.

If the intelligence reports are to be believed more then thirty militants have managed to cross Line of Control and International Border during the last one and half month despite the claims of security forces of tight vigil on borders of Jammu and Kashmir.

The recent statement of Union defence minister A K Antony wherein he was reported to have said that the infiltration from other side to J&K is likely to increase ahead of elections also validate the intercepted reports of crossing of militants.

Reliable sources told News Agency of Kashmir that about thirty militants have succeeded to cross this side of the border with most of the them from Poonch and Krishana Ghati Mankote sector.

“About fifteen to twenty militants managed to cross from Thanlote area of Mendhar” sources claimed and added that every week there is infiltration bid with army claiming to have pushed them (militants) back but in garb of darkness and congested forests they sneaks in from other routes.

More than ten militants have reportedly sneaked into this side of border from various routes in Rajouri and Poonch district during last few days, an army officer on the condition of anonymity told NAK.

Sources said that army managed to establish contact with some of the militants sneaked to this side of border during the last one week but all of them managed to escape.

Again today troops manning Krishana Ghati sector of Poonch district came under heavy fire from across the border. Though army claimed that it did not retaliate the small arms firing, sources said that both the sides exchanged fire for more than three hours.

It was reliably learnt that it was yet another attempt by a group of militants to sneak to this side of border.

However, defence spokesman Lt Col SD Goswami told News Agency of Kashmir that troops came under heavy fire at around 12:15 PM, which continued till 5:30 PM. “Troops came under Picka and small arms fire from across the border which was retaliated by troops” He added.

He said that ‘infiltration bid’ was foiled and militants trying to cross were pushed back.

An Army intelligence report has also confirmed that Jammu and Kashmir is facing a clear threat from groups of Kashmiri youth, who have been trained to carry out terror activities on this side.