By Prensa Latina
Washington : US president George W. Bush may veto a Congressional bill forbidding tortures, including the one known as “waterboarding,” Democracy Now reported.
According to the community radio and television agency the president considers the proposal too restrictive although approved by both houses of Congress.
The initiative confirmed by the Senate in February established that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other security agencies should abide by the interrogation techniques approved in the field manual of the US armed forces.
The document specifically prohibits “waterboarding”, simulated executions, cattle prods, forcing prisoners to perform sexual acts and starvation, considered violent methods, to obtain information.
During the early part of last month CIA boss, Michael Hayden, admitted the use of waterboarding during interrogations of three alleged members of Al Qaeda.
These declarations spurred demands for criminal process to determine responsibility that was rejected by Attorney General, Michael Mukasey justifying the legal authority of the Justice Department.
However, officials of the attorney general offices acknowledged recently being involved in an internal investigation to analyze the legitimacy of a 2002 memorandum that came to light revealing the use of these techniques.