Home Muslim World News London protests at conspiracy of silence over Israeli massacres

London protests at conspiracy of silence over Israeli massacres


London : A protest demonstration was been held outside the British parliament Wednesday, calling for an immediate end to Israel’s latest massacres in Gaza.

A picket was also gathering outside Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s office, condemning the conspiracy of silence condoning the killing of more than 115 Palestinians, including a children and babies.

The emergency protests are being organized by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, the British Muslim Initiative (BMI) and the Palestinian Forum in Britain.

It is being supported by other peace groups including, the Stop the War Coalition, the Association of the Palestinian Community UK and the Friends of Al Aqsa.

An Early Day Motion to the British parliament raised on Monday condemned Israel’s latest massacre of Palestinians and have that the UK government has a special duty to ensure that the Zionist regime abides by international laws.

“The strikes and blockade are causing widespread humanitarian suffering and, by collectively punishing the entire people of Gaza for the actions of those firing rockets, Israel’s actions are contrary to international law,” said the motion, signed by 30 MPs.

British aid agency, Oxfam has also warned of “dire humanitarian consequences of the full scale military incursion into Gaza” which is said was now being considered by Israel.

“A large scale military attack on the densely populated Gaza Strip will worsen already unacceptable levels of civilian casualties,” Oxfam said.

Muslim organizations in the UK have expressed their disgust at Foreign Secretary David Miliband’s refusal to condemn the Israeli massacres, suggesting that the British government was condoning the Zionist regime’s war crimes.

Amongst others, the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) said it was “deeply concerned that Britain is continuing to adopt a policy of partisan support for Israel despite its atrocious behaviour in Gaza this week where it has killed over 100 Palestinians.”