Home Muslim World News Israel on high alert after shooting attack

Israel on high alert after shooting attack

By Xinhua

Jerusalem : Israeli security forces across Israel were on the highest level of alert Friday, after Thursday night’s shooting attack in Mercaz Harav Yeshiva in Jerusalem, which left eight people dead.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak has ordered the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to impose a closure on the West Bank, the spokeswoman of IDF told Xinhua. The closure is set to continue until security forces re-evaluate the situation in several days, she added.

Meanwhile, thousands of police officers were deported in Jerusalem and a limit was imposed Palestinian access to Friday prayers at the al-Aqsa mosque, Islam’s third holiest site.
Israeli rescue workers carry a covered body from the scene of a shooting attack at a Jewish religious school in Jerusalem March 6, 2008.

Police fear violence in Jerusalem’s Old City, where both Jews and Muslims gather for prayer on Friday. Al-Aqsa mosque overlooks the Western Wall, Judaism’s holiest site.

Only Muslim men over the age of 45 with a valid blue identity card will be allowed to enter the Temple Mount for prayers. Female worshippers will not be limited from entering, Army Radio said.

Jerusalem Police Chief Aharon Franco said the forces were working to prevent another tragedy from occurring in the city. “We’ve deployed force in every street in Jerusalem, with an emphasis on public places,” he said.

Overnight Friday, IDF soldiers arrested eight wanted Palestinian terror suspects across the West Bank overnight. The detainees were taken in for questioning by security forces.