Home International E-9 Conference adopts 13-point declaration

E-9 Conference adopts 13-point declaration

By Syed Ejaz Ahmed Shah, APP

Bali (Indonesia) : The 7th E-9 Conference on Wednesday concluded with adoption of a 13-point declaration with emphasis to improve education of teacher in member states. The conference was attended by Pakistan, Indonesia, India, Mexico, China, Brazil, Nigeria and Bangladesh culminated with the note that all member states should make hectic efforts to achieve the Education for All goal by 2015.

The Declaration said the EFA goals will not be achieved globally if they are not achieved in E-9 countries, noting that some countries may face greater challenges than others in meeting the EFA goals by 2015 target date. The Declaration recognized that no education system can rise above the quality of its teachers, as they are key factors in improving the quality of education as well as expanded access and equity. Therefore, it reiterated its emphasis the central role of the sufficient, motivated and professionally competent teaching force in the achievement of EFA goals.

The emphasis would be laid on sufficient teacher recruitment, including innovative practices, through data based planning of supply and demand, as well as through pro-active cost effective strategies to attract more female teachers and top ensure that the profession is attractive to the candidates with the most appropriate profile.

Adequate teacher management for sound deployment, reduced absenteeism and attrition rates and provision of professional and administrative support in the remote areas will be ensured.

Strategies would be developed for diverse and innovative routes to teacher certification and ongoing professional development. Steps would be made for rising the quality of the working conditions, particularly for female teachers through improved infrastructures teaching and learning materials and equipment and professional support. Retention of teachers would be ensured through transparent and accessible and career development and promotion pathways and by making available regular professional development through accredited in-service training, supervision and monitoring.

The declaration also indicated about re-examination of remuneration of teachers and adjust them as necessary in the light of local economic conditions and prevailing labor market cost for comparable professionals. Encourage countries to develop a comprehensive policy framework and national strategy addressing professional students for teaching. Efforts would be made to further develop the use of information and modern technologies as an important tool for teacher training and professional development, and as a means of extending the reach, flexibility and diversity of training for teacher for pre-service and in-service purposes. In order to strengthen the South-South cooperation work towards developing innovative and effective solutions in each of the E-9 countries on a basis of mutual respect and shared responsibility would be carried out. Commitments through the declaration were made including revitalization of the role of national focal points for E-9, Regional Directorates of UNESCO in E-9 fold to work for initiatives and support, raise the profile of E-9 countries and periodically organize meetings of the senior officials of education. The Conference agreed to consolidate the mechanism of South-South cooperation, strengthen education management system, develop evidence-based teacher related policies, developing teachers’ professional standards for teaching, urge E-9 countries and development partners to contribute to UNESCO for funding, and expand cooperation between the member states and other countries of the South. The Conference thanked Indonesia for hosting the conference and appreciated Nigeria for becoming host for 8th conference in 2010. Earlier, the Director General UNESCO formally announced closing of the Conference.

Caretaker Minister for education Shamsh K. Lakha represented Pakistan in the Conference which was inaugurated by Vice President of Indonesia on Tuesday.