Home International Mexicans Maltreated in United States

Mexicans Maltreated in United States

By Prensa Latina

Mexico : The International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH) denounced Wednesday abuses committed against Mexican immigrants in the United States, and called them an attack on the elemental human rights of immigrants.

FIDH represents 155 world human rights organizations, and in its text released in Mexico City denounced that US criminal law has a double system of sentencing for immigrants even if their papers are in order, which is discriminatory.

In addition, FIDH called the policy against those who try to enter US territory a serious and unacceptable violation of the right to life.

It refers specifically to persecution of immigrants by the US Border Patrol, along with demonstrated use of frenzied lethal force against illegal immigrants.

The treatment accorded Mexican immigrants and the current alarming level of racial discrimination against Latinos living in the United States near the border were also included in the FIDH report.