Home Muslim World News Contrast between democracy and observing minorities’ rights in Israel

Contrast between democracy and observing minorities’ rights in Israel


Tehran : The main factor involved in violation of the minorities’ rights in Israel should be sought in the type of democracy practiced in that regime.

Democracy as the rule of the people over the people, and the right for every member of a democratic society to have a share in deciding the fate of that society as a natural right, is not the definition to be sought in the governance method observed by the Zionist regime.

The status quo of democracy observed in Israel can be defined as a hegemonic type of democracy, dubbed as the tribal, or clan type democracy, in which a certain group or a tribe, appropriate with its real nature, defends the rights of the majority, while trampling upon the rights of the minorities.

(www.law.nyu.edu/journals/jilp Zakheim.pdf) In tribal democracy, the identity of the government is defined based on the culture, nationality, and religion of the majority, while the identity, rights and everything else of the minorities are overshadowed under the hegemony of the majority.

Such a government by openly defending the rights and interests of the majority and refraining from creating a balance between the contrasting interests of the groups that live within the same system, merely resorts to the lever of suppression, tribal cleansing, group deportation, and even genocide of the minority groups.