Home Muslim World News Pakistani PM leaves for Egypt on 4 day visit

Pakistani PM leaves for Egypt on 4 day visit

By Xinhua,

Islamabad : Pakistani Prime Minister SyedYousaf Raza Gilani left here Saturday for a four-day visit toEgypt.

Talking to reporters at the Islamabad International Airport prior to his departure, Gilani said that he would meet several world leaders and discuss his government’s economic priorities on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum for Middle East. About his meetings with world leaders including U.S. President George Bush, Gilani said that he would discuss with him on Pakistani-U.S. bilateral ties and their cooperation in economic, social, defence, science and technology sectors, U.S. assistance, global food crisis, extremism and terrorism. He said that heads of state and governments and several chief executive officers present at the event would provide an opportunity for him to discuss Pakistan’s budgetary priorities and seek investment in all sectors.

The Pakistani PM said that he would be seeking more foreign investment and discuss economic and bilateral ties when he meetsworld leaders and top executives at the World Economic Forum forMiddle East.

Pakistan has been a regular participant in the forum’s activities at the highest level and Gilani will also address the Arab Business Council on May 19.

Gilani is also expected to meet other leaders on the sidelines of the meeting including Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Afghan President Hamid Karzai, Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif and Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority Salam Fayyad.