Home International Myanmar lets in teams from ASEAN countries

Myanmar lets in teams from ASEAN countries


Kuala Lumpur : Following an emergency meeting of foreign ministers of Association of South-East Asia Nations in Bangkok to coordinate relief aid assistance to victims of Myanmar cyclone Nargis, Myanmar let in teams from ASEAN countries to assist in the relief effort.

IRNA regional bureau chief said that relief aid workers from Thailand, are already there, along with teams from China and India.

Aid coming from outside ASEAN, Singapore’s Mr. Yeo said, will be considered on a “case-by-case basis,” much as it is now.

“We have to look at specific needs — there will not be uncontrolled access,” he said.

UN and Red Cross officials on Monday acknowledged that more aid was getting through and that the government was showing more signs of opening up. But they said it still isn’t enough to deal with the full scale of the disaster.

The Red Cross said more than 24 of its flights have arrived in Yangon, and the World Food Program said it has dispatched food to feed 250,000 people.