Home International Report: DPRK to strengthen war deterrent against U.S. nuclear threat

Report: DPRK to strengthen war deterrent against U.S. nuclear threat

By Xinhua,

Pyongyang : The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) will further strengthen war deterrent against the nuclear threat from the United States, said a commentary published by the official Rodong Sinmun daily on Monday.

The U.S. Air Force announced it would create a nuclear command on October 24, which was an “extremely dangerous” move, said the commentary, adding that it revealed the U.S.’s true purpose of deterring other countries by nuclear weapons and controlling the whole world.

The U.S. new approach will render to a new cold war and tense the situation on the Korean peninsula, it said.

The U.S. claimed to solve the nuclear problem of the Korean peninsula, but in reality it was scheming to launch a nuclear war against the DPRK, it said. The DPRK has no choice but to strengthen war deterrent against the U.S. threat, it added.

The DPRK media have intensified a rhetoric war against the U.S. while the six-party talks on DPRK’s nuclear programs were being deadlocked.

A new round six-party talks was expected to be opened in November.