Raipur : Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister and Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP)supremo Mayawati Sunday hit out at the Congress-led Government at the Centre and Chhattisgarh’s Bharatiya Janata Party government for `ignoring the basic needs of common people’.
“Poor and middle class are the worst sufferer of Congress government’s unchecked inflation while BJP in Chhattisgarh failed to improve people’s life quality mainly of scheduled caste (SC) and scheduled tribe (ST),” Mayawati told a public meeting in the state’s industrial city, Bhilai, 30 km from here.
She sought an opportunity from the people to let the BSP form a government in the state, claiming that only her party was committed to the poor and marginalized people.
The BSP is contesting all the 90 seats in the state. The party is concentrating on the state’s 29 seats reserved for ST and 10 seats for SC candidates.
Chhattisgarh has 32 percent ST and 12 percent SC population among the state’s total 20.08 million people.
The state goes to the polls Nov 14 for 39 seats and Nov 20 for the rest 51 seats.