Home Muslim World News More than 30 militants killed in Afghanistan

More than 30 militants killed in Afghanistan

By Xinhua,

Kabul : Afghan army backed by the US-led coalition forces have killed more than 30 militants in southern Afghanistan, a coalition statement released here Sunday said.

A group of militants Saturday night ambushed Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) and coalition forces while they were conducting a reconnaissance patrol in the Nahr Surkh district of Helmand province, the statement said.

“The combined forces engaged the militants with small-arms fire, mounted weapons and supporting fire, killing more than 30 militants and destroying two militant vehicles,” it said, adding “no ANSF, coalition forces or civilian casualties have been reported.”

In another incident, Afghan National Army (ANA) and coalition forces destroyed a drug processing and distribution facility after engaging the insurgents in Kandahar province Saturday.

After receiving intelligence report, the combined forces discovered the remote, isolated drug processing and storage facility in Spin Boldak district, said the Coalition statement.

The coalition forces engaged and killed four insurgents while searching the compound, it said, adding “the facility contained one ton of narcotics, several 55-gallon drums filled with drug processing chemicals and other drug processing equipment, all of which were destroyed on site.”