Home Indian Muslim List of deads in Mumbai terror attacks

List of deads in Mumbai terror attacks

By TwoCircles.net news desk

New Delhi: Rehan Ansari, Hamid Husain, Kazim Malik Ataullah, and others of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, Maharashtra (JIH), Students Islamic Organisation of India (SIO), Movement for Peace and Justice (MPJ) along with Ideal Relief wing, reached the 4 hospitals J.J, G.T, St.George and Nair Hospital for Instant relief and Survey from 7.00 am in the morning. A brief detail

Total eead bodies lying in 4 hospitals 81.
Total injured- 118 in J.J.Hospital

4 Death and 9 injured. 2 send with first aid.
1. Vijay Chandorkar: policeman.
2. Bhagan Shile: G.T.Hospital Staff.
3. Unknown
4. Shanker gupta came from kama hospital

Total Death 16 including 2 foriegners
118 Injured.
List of Dead.
1. Hemant Karkare (age 50 – M)
2. Mastan Qureshi (age 45 – M)
3. Ashok Shivaram Poul ( M)
4. Prabhu Kumar Lal (M)
5. Shushant Patil (age 40 – M)
6. Fakir Mohd. (age 68 – M)
7. Uttam (M)
8. Reema Sheikh (age 35 – F)
9. Unknown (age 30 – F)
10. Unknown (age 45 – M)
11. Gautam (age 30 – M)
12. Shashank chandrakant (age48-m)
13. Sohail ahmed sk (age30-m)
14. Amina
15. Foriegner
16. Foreigner

St.Georje hospital.
Total 64 bodies found. 57 Unidentified. Remaining are…
1. Shashank Chanrakant (M-48 Years).
2. Sohail Ahmed Sk. (M-30 years).
3. Amina Hamid Sk.(F-20 years)
4. Aziz Nabilal R.( M-55 yrs.)

Nair Hospital.

Total Deaths 7. Injured 3 discharged with first aid.

1. Vinod Gupta.
2. Arkha Lalji Solanki
3. Sunil Thakrey
4. Kazi Hidayatullah.
5. Prakash Mandal
6. Amanat Mohammed Ali.

Interview with Mahboob Alam who lost his brother
