Home India News UAE dailies hail India-US nuclear deal

UAE dailies hail India-US nuclear deal


Abu Dhabi : Newspapers in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have hailed the Indo-US nuclear deal as a formal recognition of India’s nuclear status, reminding the Asian giant of its role as an anchor of stability in the region.

As the US Senate voted Thursday in favour of the deal, Gulf News pointed out that India was getting the formal right to enter into civilian nuclear commerce with other countries after 34 years in the wilderness, due to sanctions.

The paper wrote: “Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh referred to it as virtually the ‘done deal’ and so it was as the US Senate voted overwhelmingly in favour of India getting the formal right to enter into civilian nuclear commerce with other countries after 34 years in the wilderness, due to sanctions.”

The agreement shows that India’s emergence as a global power has now been formally certified, the daily said adding that the distinction came on the birth anniversary of one of the architects of India’s independence.

The Gulf Daily noted that the Senate endorsement was preceded by Singh’s “classic case of statesmanship” in signing a nuclear cooperation contract with French President Nicholas Sarkozy.

“So even as the (Indian) opposition back home carp that the current government has ‘sold out’ to the US by agreeing to buy 10,000 MW of nuclear power, others armed with more forethought reckon that this historic accord will help to address the country’s energy shortfall, helping it gain more mileage as it builds on its process of rapid industrialisation,” the Gulf Daily said.

“The onus is now on India to be an anchor of stability in South Asia and an engine that drives growth not just at home but in the region.”

Khaleej Times said “the deal is without doubt a huge personal victory for a lame-duck (US) president (George W. Bush). Perhaps, the only feather in his unadorned cap,” adding that it was the only resounding foreign policy victory of the beleaguered Bush.

Khaleej Times further commented: “The ambitions of nuclear powered India were just common sense and good commerce for Bush.”

“The (Bush) Administration’s half-hearted affair with India that initially suffered from mutual mistrust has matured into a solid alliance and win-win relationship between the world’s greatest democracies,” the paper said.

“Ironically enough, the civilian nuclear deal with Delhi may very well turn out to be the only feather in the cap of this beleaguered and besieged president. It may not entirely rescue the Bush legacy but it will certainly bring some consolation to him at a time when he badly needs it,” the editorial said and called it a spectacular break of US non-proliferation policy for at least three decades.

“The evolution of India’s nuclear programme is not constrained by access to nuclear fuel supplies. Besides, the US and India are expected to expand their ties protecting shared interests as free democracies.”