Home International US removes North Korea from terror list

US removes North Korea from terror list

By Xinhua,

Washington : The US Saturday removed North Korea from its list of state sponsors of terrorism, the State Department announced.

“The secretary of state has rescinded the designation of North Korea as a state terror sponsor,” State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said at a briefing.

The announcement was made after the US and Pyongyang reached an agreement on a series of verification measures of North Korean nuclear facilities.

McCormack said North Korea would resume disablement of its nuclear facilities.

In June this year, US President George W. Bush had promised to delist North Korea from its list of state sponsors of terrorism but never took action.

North Korea stopped disabling its nuclear facilities in August in response to Washington’s failure to remove the country from its terror list.

On June 27, North Korea destroyed a cooling tower of its atomic reactor to demonstrate its commitment to nuclear disarmament.

Earlier this month, chief US negotiator to the six-party nuclear talks, Christopher Hill, visited Pyongyang to clinch a new agreement.