Home Muslim World News Iran: regional security possible if certain power not repeat mistakes

Iran: regional security possible if certain power not repeat mistakes


Tehran : Sustainable relations will be established in the region if certain powers not to repeat their previous mistakes, senior national security official said on Tuesday.

Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council Saeed Jalili made the remarks in a meeting with former Italian prime minister, Romano Prodi, who along with a number of other world dignitaries are in Tehran to attend International Conference on ‘Religion in Modern World’.

Former UN secretary general Kofi Annan, former Norwegian prime minister Bondevick, former French prime minister Lionel Jospin, former Swiss president Joseph Deiss, former Portuguese president Jorge Sampaio, former Irish president Mary Robinson, former Sri Lankan president Chandrika Kumaratunga and former UNESCO director general Federico Mayor as well as several other scholars are attending the two-day confab which began on Tuesday with an address by Iran’s former president Mohammad Khatami.

Jalili referred to the pressures exerted on Iran by certain powers during the past three decades in order to impose their illegal and illegitimate wishes on Iranians.

He stressed that despite all those pressures, “Everyone, even those certain powers, have admitted that Iran is now more powerful than ever.”

Jalili said Iran owes its present strength to its rich culture and the national resolve to make comprehensive progress.

Meanwhile, Prodi stressed Iran’s constructive and effective role in the region saying that Iran is at the zenith of its power due to its geopolitic, economic and human resources.