Washington : US President George W. Bush and French President Nicolas Sarkozy Saturday said an emergency global summit on the finance crisis will be held in the US, possibly before the end of November.
The announcement was made at the US presidential retreat, Camp David, outside Washington, where European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso also joined the meeting.
“I look forward to hosting this meeting in the near future,” said Bush, who added that developed as well as emerging economies would be included. “We’re dealing with a significant problem.”
Bush and Sarkozy, who was representing the 27-member European Union (EU) as the current president, emphasised their continuing support for free market economies and opposition to protectionism and isolationism.
It is “essential we preserve the foundation of democratic capitalism”, Bush said. Sarkozy noted it would be “catastrophic” to close borders and “challenge the foundation of market economies”.
Agreement on the summit was announced immediately after Sarkozy and Barroso arrived at Camp David from an EU-Canada summit in Quebec City.
Sarkozy has been pushing for such a conference for weeks, as the first waves of financial panic washed across the Atlantic from the US to European stock markets and banking systems.
“First and foremost, this is a worldwide crisis and we must find a worldwide solution,” Sarkozy said, speaking English through a translator.
The French president indicated the meeting could take place in New York, where things began unravelling, and possibly before the end of November, but Bush was vague about the details.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has offered to host the summit at the UN, which would lend “universal legitimacy to this endeavor”, the French daily Le Figaro reported, quoting a letter from Ban to Sarkozy.
“We cannot continue along the same lines,” Sarkozy vowed. “Hedge funds cannot continue operating as they have in the past.”
He said the world must crack down on tax havens, and on financial institutions that are under no supervisory control.
“This is no longer acceptable,” he said.
Sarkozy said the goal of the emergency summit was to “speak with one voice and build together a capitalism of the future”.
“We must make haste. We must stabilise the market place as swiftly as possible. Once calm has been restored, we must avoid at all cost that those who have led us here should be allowed to do so again,” Sarkozy said. “This sort of capitalism is a betrayal of the sort of capitalism we believe in.”
Both Sarkozy and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown have called for the summit to be a “new Bretton Woods”. Sarkozy has said it is “necessary to rebuild the entire global financial and monetary system from the bottom up”.
In July 1944, an agreement was signed in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, that established new rules for commercial and financial relations among the world’s major industrial states.
Sarkozy said EU leaders planned to go to Asia next week to discuss the crisis.
The goal of the summit is to discuss ideas about how to prevent the recurrence of the wave of financial failures that have forced governments to intervene hugely in capital markets and the banking system.
The G20 finance ministers are planning to meet from Nov 7-9 in Brazil, but it was not clear if that meeting would be connected to the emergency finance summit. The G20 includes the G8 most industrialised countries (US, Canada, Italy, Germany, Britain, France, Japan, Russia) and Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, and the EU.