Home Muslim World News Islamic Jihad calls for halting negotiations, assessing Gaza lull

Islamic Jihad calls for halting negotiations, assessing Gaza lull

By Xinhua,

Gaza : An Islamic Jihad leader on Saturday called on Palestinian factions to assess ceasefire with Israel andurged president Mahmoud Abbas to halt negotiations with the Jewishstate.

The six-month ceasefire, started in Gaza Strip in June, “must be fully reviewed as it endangers the Palestinian people’s struggle instead of achieving anything good,” said Nafez Azzam, anIslamic Jihad leader based in Gaza.

The Islamic Jihad, as most of the Palestinian factions, reluctantly accepted the Egyptian-brokered ceasefire in order not to be engaged in troubles with Islamic Hamas movement. Hamas controls Gaza Strip since last year and agreed on the ceasefire ina bid to overcome Israeli economical sanctions on the Hamas-controlled territory.

Hamas itself admits that Israel did not allow free flow of cargo into Gaza despite its commitment to the agreement.

Meanwhile, Azzam called on Abbas, who is based in West Bank, to halt peace talks “and all forms of negotiations” with Israel. “We demand the suspension of the talks with the Zionist Enemy.”

Azzam renewed that his movement will continue to fight against Israel, ruling out that the Gaza ceasefire would be renewed.