Home Economy Redpill Solutions launches operations in India

Redpill Solutions launches operations in India


Chennai : Singapore-based customer management consulting company RedPill Solutions has launched its services in India and said it will target sectors like banking, telecom, retail and hospitality.

“The company’s c-lab (customer-lab) will function as a full-fledged insight and innovation development and delivery centre for all our clients across the world,” company’s chief executive officer Suresh V. Shankar told reporters here Friday.

RedPill Solutions will also centralise its current research and development, marketing, pre-sales and knowledge management practises and efforts at c-lab.

He said the lab will be a centralised delivery centre for the company’s clients.

“All our product development activities and process innovation will be centralised out of India. c-lab will also serve as the centre for our Indian operations and will enable us to reach out to all existing and new clients in India and the Middle East.”