Home International One killed, 44 injured in early protesters clashes in Bangkok

One killed, 44 injured in early protesters clashes in Bangkok

By Xinhua,

Bangkok : One person was killed, 44 others were injured in violent clashes between the pro- and anti-government demonstrators in the early hours of Tuesday, according to the updated casualty report by Medical Service Department.

Of the 44 injured people, 12 remained hospitalized at six hospitals in Bangkok, DR Peerapong Saichua, deputy director of the department, was quoted by a Bangkok Post website report as saying.

The dead man was identified as Narongsak Kothaisong, 55, from northeastern province Nakhon Ratchasima, who had just arrived in Bangkok to join the anti-government protest led by The People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) protest on Monday before deadly wounded in clashes with the Democratic Alliance against Dictatorship (DAAD) after 1:00 a.m. Tuesday (1800 GMT, Monday).

Pongphet Emergency Center, where the victim died while being treated, reported that he died of a gunshot wound in his chest.

However, DR Peerapong said he died of head trauma after being hit with a heavy object.

Violence broke out when the DAAD-led pro-government protesters, estimated at some 3,000 people, marched after midnight towards the Government House compound, which has been occupied by PAD protesters since Aug. 26 in its showdown attempt to oust the Samak cabinet, and confronted with the PAD guards who tried blocking them from getting into the compound. Some protesters, from either side, were armed with sticks, batons, clubs and even Molotov cocktails.

The violence has gave grounds to Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej to declare a state of emergency in Bangkok Tuesday morning.