Home Muslim World News Taliban claims responsibility for firing at PM motorcade in Pakistan

Taliban claims responsibility for firing at PM motorcade in Pakistan

By Xinhua,

Islamabad : Pakistan’s Taliban Wednesday claimed responsibility for firing at the motorcade of Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani.

Local TV channels reported that Taliban spokesman Muslim Khan claimed responsibility for the attack on the Prime Minister’s motorcade. Khan was quoted as saying that suck attacks would be carried out on government leaders in future.

Unknown assailants attacked the motorcade of Gillani on the Islamabad Highway Wednesday afternoon, a statement released by the Prime Minister’s House said.

“Of the multiple sniper shots fired on the Prime Minister’s vehicle, two hit the window on the driver side. However, because of the robust and comprehensive security measures, the Prime Minister and all the members of his motorcade remained unharmed,” said the statement.

Police said the vehicle was attacked while coming to the airport to collect Gillani who returned to Islamabad from Lahore, capital city of eastern Punjab province.

Information Minister Sherry Rehman said Gillani eventually returned to his official residence through another route.