Home International Palin’s “Troopergate” case investigation moved up

Palin’s “Troopergate” case investigation moved up

By Xinhua,

Washington : An investigation into a case that U.S. Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s ethics breaches was suspected would be completed by Oct. 10, three weeks earlier than scheduled, said an Alaska House committee on Friday.

According to a statement released by Alaska House Judiciary Chairman Jay Ramras, the probe was moved up than expected to avoid a possible politically-motivated surprising blow to the female nominee before the Nov. 4 election day.

The statement also noted that the Alaska governor would not receive a subpoena because she has vowed to cooperate with investigators.

“We agreed that an earlier completion date was achievable, and that it was fair to all sides. We are satisfied that the report can be finished by no later than Oct. 10, 2008,” it said.

The case, dubbed “Troopergate,” was triggered after reports saying the state’s former Public Safety Commissioner, Walt Monegan, was fired in July because he refused Palin’s request to fire a state trooper, Mike Wooten, who was the governor’s ex-brother-in-law.

However, Palin has repeatedly denied any meddling in Monegan’s dismissal and described the allegations as “outrageous” and “false.”

According to a CNN report on Friday, Palin has acknowledged that aides and members of her family repeatedly discussed Wooten with Monegan or his department members, but noted that she did not use her office to press for Wooten’s firing.

In an interview with CNN, Wooten said that he made mistakes before and has learnt from those mistakes.

He also hailed Palin’s nomination as the Republican vice presidential candidate, which is “absolutely wonderful for the state of Alaska.”