Home Muslim World News Pakistani elders vow to resist local Taliban

Pakistani elders vow to resist local Taliban


Islamabad : Elders in a remote city in Pakistan’s northwest Sunday vowed to resist local Taliban and decided punishment for those who will give shelter to militants.

The Jirga or council agreed to counter activities of miscreants who are bent upon damaging public and private properties, government installations and killing of innocent people.

The decisions were taken during a grand peace jirga of Sulthankhel and Payandakhel tribes attended chieftains and a large number of people held at the town Wari in Dir district of North West Frontier Province.

The jirga came 10 days after militants kidnapped two Chinese engineers who had gone to Dir district to repair a mobile tower.

Taliban say they are holding the Chinese engineers and will release them if their colleagues are freed.

Two militants blew themselves up in Dir after the locals foiled their attempt to seize a school.

The elders urged the people to immediately inform jirga members about any suspicious activity in order for quick disposal of the matter.

The Jirga asked people to take close vigil on the movement of suspected persons to avoid any untoward happening in wake of deadly suicide bombing in Islamabad.

The Jirga announced to help out government in eliminating anti-state and unwanted elements.

It was decided that a ‘laskhar’ (army) will be raised to make armed patrolling in restive spots to counter illegal activities besides helping law enforcing agencies in maintaining law and order in the district.

“Peace committees at village level would be setup that will monitor the situation and compile reports about presence and activities of non locals in the district. The committees will subsequently submit their reports to Jirga members”.

The Jirga unanimously decided to continue cooperation with government in their efforts against miscreants activities and tribal Laskar would continue to take action against perpetrators who give shelters to militants.

The speakers Faiz Muhammad Khan, Malik Jehanzaib, Malik Behram Khan, Malik Sher Bahadar Khan and Malik Zar Muhammad Khan said the militants have destroyed the peaceful atmosphere of Swat and lives of innocent people were made miserable there.