Home India News We are working harder to make deal possible: Bush

We are working harder to make deal possible: Bush

By Manish Chand, IANS,

Washington : As the nuclear deal heads for the finish, US President George W. Bush Thursday held talks with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and underlined his government was “working harder” to push the deal through the US Congress.

“This agreement has taken a lot of work from both sides. We are working harder to make it possible,” Bush told reporters at a joint press appearance at the Oval Office in the White House.

Lauding Bush for his “strong personal commitment” in transforming India-US relations, Manmohan Singh thanked India for the American president’s efforts and cooperation in the field of civilian nuclear energy that has ended India’s “nuclear apartheid”.

“I sincerely hope that the agreement will be approved in a manner satisfactory to both sides,” Manmohan Singh said.

The two leaders held talks on the entire spectrum of India-US relationship and discussed issues ranging from trade, technology and civilian nuclear cooperation to education and research.

Recalling his visit to New Delhi in March 2006, Bush spoke glowingly about India and lauded Manmohan Singh’s leadership that has brought India-US relations to new heights.

“I will never forget my visit to India. What an exciting place India is,” Bush said.