Home India News Sajad Lone, Mir, Shariq among 10 file nomination papers for Baramulla

Sajad Lone, Mir, Shariq among 10 file nomination papers for Baramulla

By Reyaz Ahmed, News Agency of Kashmir,

Baramulla : Young separatist leader and the chairman of Peoples Conference (PC) Sajad Lone, Sharif-ud-Din Shariq of National Conference (NC) and Mohammad Dilawar Mir of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) were among ten candidates who filed their nomination papers on Thursday for the Baramulla-Kupwara parliamentary seat.

As Sharifudin Shariq, drove in Deputy Commissioner’s Baramulla office at around 1 pm to submit his nomination papers, pro-NC and pro-Sariq slogans echoed DC office premises and supporters danced to drum beats.

Shariq was accompanied by senior NC leader Chowdary Mohmmed Ramzan, Party president People’s Democratic Front, Ghulam Hussan Mir, MLA Sangrama Shoib Nabi Lone, MLA Rafiabad Javid Ahmed Dar and hundreds of other party workers.

Talking to News Agency of Kashmir, Sariq said, “National Conference is a strong political party with strong vote bank, I hope people would vote and support us through their ballot.”

“We fought number of elections and have good experience of PC’s political ground in previous polls and there is no question of Sajad factor in coming polls,” added Shariq.

In the afternoon round 2 pm, Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) candidate Mohammad Dilawar Mir arrived at DC office Baramulla to file his nomination form.

Mir was accompanied by former Deputy Chief Minster and MLA Baramulla Muzzafar Hussain Beigh.

“People have been testing National Conference (NC) and other political parties from last many years and people have acknowledged PDP’s policy and governance. I hope people of this parliamentary constituency will cast their vote in favour of the party”, he told media persons.

Away from media glare, Sajad Lone arrived at the Deputy Commissioner’s Baramulla office at around 2.50 pm and submitted his nomination papers.

Wearing white T-shirt and blue jeans, Sajad was accompanied by Peoples Conference leaders and few hundred workers.

After filing the nomination papers, Lone said that it is a bold decision to contest the polls. “I have changed strategy not ideology. I have given vision document and stand by every word of it,” Lone said. He said that the people should endorse his stand by voting him to Lok Sabha.

“If voted to power I will take the issue of Kashmir in the Parliament and represent aspiration of people who got betrayed at the hands of different political parties,” he said.

As Lone came out his supporters shouted pro-Peoples Conference and pro-Sajad slogans like “Sajad Sahib Aage Bado, Hum Tumare Saath Hain (Sajad go ahead we are with you).”

The other seven independent candidates including Ghulam Rasool Shah Alias Imran Rahi of Awami National Conference, Ghulam Nabi Parray of Republican Party of India, Khazir Mohammad of Peoples Peace Front, Ghulam Rasool Bhat of Ambedker National Conference, Reyaz Ahmad Wani Independent and Sardar Khan Independent filed their nomination papers.

The last date for the filing of the nomination papers for the seat is Friday. (NAK)