Home International Civil servants accused of surfing porn sites instead of working

Civil servants accused of surfing porn sites instead of working


Hong Kong : Two highly paid senior civil servants could be disciplined after a probe found they surfed the internet for pornography rather than working, a media report said Tuesday.

In one case a department assistant director earning 120,000 Hong Kong dollars ($15,500) a month is accused of spending up to 75 percent of the working day on porn sites, the Standard newspaper said.

The official has told superiors that he has a doctor’s certificate showing he was suffering from pressure at work and has been on leave since the probe started.

Another civil servant working in the same department and earning 100,000 Hong Kong dollars a month claimed overtime while surfing the internet for pornography instead of working.

Both officials work in the environmental protection department which refused to name the two civil servants or comment on the issue.

But a spokeswoman for the Civil Service Bureau said, “We will handle cases of misconduct in accordance with the established disciplinary mechanism.”

Software installed by the department uncovered the porn browsing sessions.