Home Indian Muslim Arab Film Festival at Jamia Millia from 10-13 Aug.

Arab Film Festival at Jamia Millia from 10-13 Aug.

By TwoCircles.net News Desk,

New Delhi: India Arab Cultural Centre, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi has organized Arab Film Festival from 10-13 August 2009 at M.A. Ansari Auditorium, JMI. Renowned filmmaker Muzaffar Ali will inaugurate the festival on Monday, the 10th August 2009 at 4:00 p.m. About 15 feature films and documentaries are to be screened in the festival.

Packages include Arab Films Today, Contemporary Egyptians Films, Homage to Youseef Chahine, Elia Suleiman Retrospective, Palestinian Documentaries, Saudi Cinema etc.

There is a panel discussion on ‘Arabs and the Bollywood’ on 11 August 2009 at 11:00 a.m. in connection with the festival.