Home India News Bhutan plans to go carbon neutral

Bhutan plans to go carbon neutral


Kolkata : Bhutan plans to go carbon neutral with or without financial assistance from other countries, the tiny Himalyan nation’s foreign minister Lyonpo Ugyen Tshering said here Friday.

“Bhutan has decided that this is a very serious problem. We have had natural calamities in the last few years and we are among the first to recognise this as a major issue,” Tshering said on the sidelines of an interactive session organised by the Indian Chamber of Commerce.

Tshering’s comments came at a time when world leaders are burning the midnight oil in Copenhagen to formulate a treaty acceptable to all that would tackle global warming.

“We have made an unconditional declaration to become carbon neutral with or without any financial help from any country,” he said, when asked how the country plans to fund the project of going carbon neutral.

“This will be our contribution to the world.”

Bhutan has experienced series of natural calamities like frequent earthquakes, natural dam burst and floods. Future of many developing nations are under serious threat due to increasing global warming, environmental experts warn.

“We are very keen that the price of sacrifices (going carbon neutral) we are making are recognised,” he added.