Home International Peruvian teen found alive four days after mudslide

Peruvian teen found alive four days after mudslide


Lima : A teenager was rescued Sunday by police combing through the rubble of his house, which was hit by a mudslide four days ago in Ayacucho city in southeastern Peru, officials said.

The teenager was found while officers were removing rubble from the house in Ayacucho’s Pueblo Libre section, police spokesman Miguel Guerrero told CPN Radio.

The teenager sustained a large wound in his right thigh when one of the house’s support columns fell on him after the mudslide hit the structure, Guerrero said.

The government declared a state of emergency in Huamanga province, where a mudslide last Wednesday killed 10 people, injured 25 and left more than 200 others homeless.

The emergency management office in Huamanga said nine dwellings were destroyed and more than 200 others partially damaged by the mudslide.

The mudslide, which came off Picota hill in the city of Huamanga, occurred around 7 p.m. Wednesday, following three hours of torrential rain.