Home India Politics Somnath worried about institutions ‘denigrating’ themselves

Somnath worried about institutions ‘denigrating’ themselves


New Delhi : In an apparent reference to the controversy over Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) N. Gopalaswami’s recommendation to remove Election Commissioner Navin Chawla, Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee Wednesday said “every institution” in the country was denigrating itself.

“Every institution today is trying to create problems and denigrate itself,” the speaker told reporters here, adding that everyone was more interested in scoring points over the others than in serving society.

Without making a direct reference to the Election Commission, Chatterjee said there should be a “Lakshman rekha”, or limit, for every institution and everyone should “remain within the constitution” and “get rid of corruption”.

Asked about his opinion on Gopalaswami’s letter to President Pratibha Patil last month, seeking removal of Election Commissioner Chawla, Chatterjee said he would not discuss such issues with the media.

In an unprecedented move, the CEC wrote to the president, seeking Chawla’s removal on charges of bias. Chawla has refused to step down, while the ruling Congress and the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have taken sides and traded charges.