Home India News PM in good health, stitches removed

PM in good health, stitches removed


New Delhi : Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is in good health and his multiple bypass surgery successfully concluded Sunday as doctors removed stitches two weeks after he underwent the operation. “The surgical procedure conducted on the Manmohan Singh Jan 24 was completed with the removal of the stitches by the doctors at his residence today (Sunday),” a statement from the prime minister’s office said.

“The PM continues to make good progress. He is in good health and is convalescing well,” the statement added.

Manmohan Singh is presently undergoing physiotherapy and is under the care of a panel of doctors headed by his personal physician K.S. Reddy.

The prime minister has also taken on some of his responsibilities and has started working from home.

Doctors, however, maintain that he will be restricted to his 7 Race Course Road residence for at least two more weeks and be able to resume his normal schedule and travel after four weeks.