Home Economy ADB To Discuss Asian Response To Economic Crisis

ADB To Discuss Asian Response To Economic Crisis

By Bernama,

MANILA : The Asian Development Bank (ADB) on Tuesday said it will hold its 42nd annual meeting early May in the Indonesian tourist island of Bali to discuss issues such as the Asian response to the global financial crisis, climate change and regional integration, China’s Xinhua news agency reported.

Around 3,000 delegates including government leaders, central bank governors and finance ministers as well as representatives from academia, the media and civil society groups are expected to attend the four-day gathering starting from May 2.

It marks the second time the ADB has held its annual meeting in Indonesia after the 1976 conference in Jakarta. Indonesia was a founding member of the ADB in 1966 and is a key development partner, receiving US$1.01 billion in public sector lending in 2008.

Attendees are also expected to discuss progress that ADB has made towards achieving its objectives under its long-term Strategy 2020 framework adopted at its 2008 Annual Meeting in Madrid, Spain.

ADB President Kuroda will fly to Bali next week to check the final preparation before meeting with senior Indonesian government officials in Jakarta, the bank said.