London : It must have been one of Britain’s most passionate places but now the rule in Warrington Bank Quay’s station is: “No kissing, we’re British.”
No-kissing signs were put up at the station’s taxi and drop-off zone designated for rail travellers, as outbreaks of passion appeared to threaten the punctuality of traffic at the station operated by – yes – Virgin Rail.
The company declared Monday that the signs were “a light-hearted way” of encouraging travellers not to clog the often crowded station, which is located on the rail lines between London and Glasgow as well as Birmingham and Scotland.
However, some commuters were less than amused at the idea of a cold farewells from their loved ones.
“It’s ridiculous. I don’t see the point of having a no-kissing area, surely people are entitled to say their goodbyes,” said Ruth Sargeant, 38, was quoted as saying by the Daily Telegraph.
Meanwhile, Tom Hall, 25, was merely wondering: “It’s daft. What are they going to do if they catch couples kissing, fine them?” “We will apply this sensibly,” a Virgin spokesman commented, the paper reported.