Home Muslim World News Komor awards greatest honor medal to President Ahmadinejad

Komor awards greatest honor medal to President Ahmadinejad


Muroni : Komor’s President Ahmad Abdullah Sumbi here Wednesday evening awarded his country’s greatest medal of honor to visiting IRI President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

According to IRNA’s dispatched presidential affairs reporter, President Sumbi said at the medal awarding ceremony, “We have a tradition of praying for the success of the personality to who we award this medal and now, at our National Parliament, we wish to recite collectively the Holy Qur’anic Cahpater ‘Yaa Seen’, and seek success for you from Almighty Allah.”

The President of Komor during the ceremony also referred to the Islamic Republic of Iran as the best model for the Islamic world, reiterating, “Both our nation and our government request the Iranian nation and government to teach us the real meaning of independence, and to teach us also how to reach such an exalted status despite entire imposed pressure and sanctions.”

Referring to the difficulties with which the small African Muslim nations is entangled in various fields, he said, “We extend our hand toward your country for assistance, but not for financial assistance. We are asking you and your nation to teach us the way towards prosperity and advancement.”

Referring to the 30th anniversary of the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, President Sumbi reiterated, “ever since the day the late Imam Khomeini returned to Tehran from Paris, Iran has been standing on its feet proudly and independently despite the entire pressure imposed by the West, particularly by the United States.”

He added, “Iran enjoys its exclusive, high status in the world today and by launching its satellite to the world orbit recently, astonished the world nations with the extent of its scientific advancement.”

The President of Komor said that the Iran’s rapid progress towards peaks of success and advancement is the fruit of harmony and hard work of the Iranian nation and government and the presence of the president of such a successful and great country in Muroni is a great pride for our nation and country.”

He also asked for investments of Iran in various fields in Komor, reiterating, “We are not asking you to give us fish, but please teach us how to catch fish.”
President Ahmadinejad, too, during the ceremony referred to the Africans as talented, wise people, assuring the President of Komor, “The mighty and wise African youth would be the standard bearers of advancement and prosperity of this rich continent in near future, by grace of God.”

He said, “The colonialists looted the wealth of African nations for centuries and deceived the people of this land resorting to military force by blocking the path of advancement and prosperity for the Africans.”

Referring to the long history of the struggles of the African nations and the liberation of their countries thanks to those efforts, President Ahmadinejad assured the people of Kiomor that they can construct their own country, adding, “You can also count on the great Iranian nation’s assistance by your side.”
He meanwhile expressed hope that the remainder of colonialists, particularly the neo-colonialists, would be eliminated in near future both from Africa, and in our region, and join history.

Ahmadinejad expressed readiness of the Iranian nation to share their entire experience with their Muslim brethren in Komor.

The IRI President who arrived in Komor on Wednesday evening on the 3rd leg of his African tour after visiting Djibouti and Kenya was received very warmly by this small island nation and their top officials, so that his car was halted several times on its way from the air port to the parliament.