Home Economy West Bengal may ration petrol, diesel

West Bengal may ration petrol, diesel


Kolkata : The West Bengal government may start rationing petrol and diesel, a senior official said here Friday on day-three of the crippling oil sector officers’ strike.

“We might consider rationing of petrol and diesel in the state if this panic situation prevails, people are procuring petrol or diesel more than actually required,” Chief Secretary Ashok Mohan Chakraborty told reporters.

The government is considering earmarking 10 litres of petrol for every car, 40 litres for mini-buses and 50 litres for private buses. A final decision will be taken during the day.

The rationing system is aimed at arresting the crisis triggered by panic buying. Large queues can be viewed outside petrol pumps in the city, which is adding to traffic snarl-ups, a regular feature here.

Many petrol pumps bore signboards that said ‘No petrol’ or ‘Diesel out of stock’.