Home India News China poses strategic challenges to India, asserts BJP

China poses strategic challenges to India, asserts BJP


New Delhi : The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Friday alleged that India’s foreign policy has remained directionless during the five years of United Progressive Alliance (UPA) rule, and China has been posing new strategic challenges by developing its road, rail and river links right up to the Myanmarese ports.

“India’s neighbouring country China has been posing new strategic challenges to India for the past three-four years. According to media reports, China has developed the Irrawaddy corridor involving road, river, and rail links from Yunnan province up to the Burmese ports on the Bay of Bengal,” party national president Rajnath Singh told reporters Friday in Itanagar in Arunanchal Pradesh.

The Irrawaddy corridor has brought Chinese security personnel to Burmese sites close to India’s eastern strategic installations, he claimed.

“With the Irrawaddy corridor stretching to the Bay of Bengal, Chinese security agencies have strategically positioned security forces at key Burmese coastal centres, including the Chinese-built harbors at Kyaukpyu and Thilawa,” Singh said.

The BJP shares the deep concern of the Indian armed forces which have sounded alarm bells on several occasions at China’s aims to gradually extend its strategic orbit, he said. China has built nearly 60 warships in the recent past and its naval fleet of 860 vessels includes 60 submarines, Singh added.

“China has adamantly refused to acknowledge the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh as part of India. It solved most of its border disputes with other neighbouring countries but it has been showing reluctance to take any concrete steps to find a solution to border disputes with India,” Singh asserted.

Singh also blamed the UPA government of neglecting Arunanchal Pradesh and said that the state needs a government that has an unblemished track record of development.

“Most of the problems can be addressed by ushering in an era of development of the northeast region, a top priority of the National Democratic Alliance government,” Singh said.