Home India News Indian teenager’s body to be flown to Goa Saturday

Indian teenager’s body to be flown to Goa Saturday


London : The body of Indian teenager Jonathan Marques is to be flown to his native village in Goa Saturday, his family said.

The family of 15-year-old Jonathan, whose body was found in a canal in the English town of Reading Monday, are preparing to fly back to India Saturday to make arrangements for his funeral next week.

Close family friend Evan Correia said: “They know Jonathan wanted to go to Goa on holiday so they want to take him there to say goodbye.”

Jonathan went missing from his school Jan 6, sparking a massive hunt by police, family and friends and local newspapers.

In a statement, his grieving parents Menino and Arcanja, 10-year-old brother Joel and sisters Joyce, 16, and Jonella, 7, thanked the community in Reading for their support.

Evan Correia added: “The support from the whole community and the people of Reading has been fantastic.

“Everyone has come together to help and I would like to thank each and every one of them from the bottom of my heart.”

A post-mortem examination was unable to establish the cause of Jonathan’s death and further tests are being carried out.