Home India News PM doing ‘very well’, to return home ‘in a few days’

PM doing ‘very well’, to return home ‘in a few days’


New Delhi : Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is “convalescing very well” following his heart surgery and doctors feel that he can return home “in a few days”, a senior official said Friday.

Manmohan Singh’s dietary intake has increased and doctors have told him to “progressively step up physical activity” over the next four weeks, the prime minister’s media adviser Deepak Sandhu told IANS.

“The doctors are happy with his progress and feel that he can return home in a few days,” Sandhu said.

But she denied reports that he would be discharged from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Saturday. “The discharge date has not been fixed,” she said.

The prime minister has increased his physical activity, and doctors have advised him to “progressively step (it) up” over the next four weeks, she added.

Manmohan Singh, 76, underwent the multiple bypass surgery at AIIMS Jan 24 to remove five arterial blockages.

On Wednesday, doctors decided to remove all monitoring devices, following which the prime minister moved freely in his room.