Home Indian Muslim Legalization of homosexuality utter shameful: AIMPLB

Legalization of homosexuality utter shameful: AIMPLB

By TwoCircles.net News Desk,

New Delhi: The All India Muslim Personal Law Board has strongly condemned legalization of homosexuality, and urged the Central Government to challenge the Delhi High Court order on the issue to keep intact the Section 377 of the IPC which terms gay sex illegal in India.

In his reaction to the court order, Maulana Syed Nizamuddin, General Secretary of AIMPLB, described as shameful act the same sex either between two men or women.

“This is prohibited in Islam. Besides, it is an unnatural and immoral act contrary to the high human values,” the Maulana said. “It is sad that such shameful act is being brought in the purview of human rights and thus legalized. This will encourage vulgarity and immorality in the society,” he said.

“The Central Government, therefore, must challenge the Delhi High Court order that legalized homosexuality and keep intact the Section 377. It is not right for the establishment to take soft approach on the issue. The Prime Minister, Minister of Law and UPA Chairperson should take notice of the issue and must not allow the shameful act in the country,” he stated.

“Maulana Nizamuddin also called upon “all Muslim organizations and groups of other religions that want to promote a good society in the country to strongly denounce the judgment. Such laws must not be allowed to be implemented.”

The Delhi High Court in its July 2 order scrapped the IPC Section 377 and allowed homosexuality between consenting adults. Religious groups in the country have strongly condemned the order. Hindu Yoga Guru Baba Ram Dev was among the first to denounce the order. Sikh religious groups have also staged demonstration in Delhi condemning the order.