Home India News Recycling awareness drive launched among students

Recycling awareness drive launched among students


New Delhi : To sensitise school students about environment sustainability and instil in them the habit of recycling, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) launched an awareness drive in 30 schools each in the capital and Bangalore Thursday.

Sensitisation, Education and Awareness for Cleaner Habitat (SEARCH), as the programme is called, was launched in association with Tetra Pak private limited.

Ranjana Saikia, associate director of TERI said: “At TERI, we are constantly fighting the odds and work hard towards sensitising people, especially young students about the perils of environmental degradation”.

“With project SEARCH we are taking the message of waste recycling to 60 schools in Delhi and Bangalore in partnership with Tetra Pak which is a leading food processing and packaging solutions company. The aim is to educate students about problems related to waste and the virtues of reusing, reducing and recycling,” she added.

The project will be implemented over a span of nine months and would involve 30 schools each in Delhi and Bangalore.

The implementation will be such that thousands of children will be able to play a proactive role and be the key drivers in the essential process of enhancing environment protection knowledge followed by positive action.

“The overall concept of awareness – analysis – reflection – action will be the focus of the project,” Saikia added.