By Salman Sultan, special correspondent,
Azamgarh: Dr. Qudsia Tehseen, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, AMU, Aligarh was on a visit to his home town Azamgarh, when she was invited to deliver a talk in the Conference Hall of Shibli National College, Azamgarh. She delivered a well-attended lecture on “It is determination that counts”.
In an interview to she talked about her primary education in Azamgarh. Dr. Tehseen studied initially up to eighth class in Niswan Girls School in the city of Azamgarh. Later she moved to Government Girls College, Azamgarh, for 9th and 10th class. Rest of her education was in Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. She passed her M.Sc. (Zoology) in the year 1984 and was awarded Gold Medal. She also did Diploma in Statistics and was again awarded Gold Medal. She joined research in the Department of Zoology under the Supervision of Prof. Shamim Jairajpuri and had her M.Phil (1987) and Ph.D (1989).
Dr. Tehseen was both a J.R.F and a S.R.F. of CSIR and was selected on the basis of NET. She was a visiting Fellow to Rothamsted Research Center, Harpenden, England, Scottish Crop Research Institute Scotland (under bilateral exchange program of Royal Society), She was also invited by University of California, Government of Italy and Government of China to do postdoctoral work there. Dr. Qudsia Tehseen works in the area of Taxonomy, Biology and Ecology of free-living fresh water and soil inhabiting Nematodes.
Dr. Tehseen won numerous Young Scientist awards and was elected Fellow of Indian Science Academy, Bangalore. She is the first Asian to be awarded by ONTA (Organisation of Nematologist of Tropical America) for sustained excellence in Nematology. With over 70 research publications eminent Zoologists from U.S.A., Hungry, U.K., SWEDEN, Scotland and Belgium have richly complimented Dr. Tehseen for her quality research work.
Dr. Tehseen talked about the great role her parents, in particular, her father played in shaping her future. Dr. Tehseen’s father Mr. Abdul Mannan Helali was a Reader in the Department of Education, Shibli National College, Azamgarh, and was also the officiating Principal for sometime. An honest and upright teacher/administrater (Mr. Helali) closely followed the progress of her daughter and was always enquiring about her work and accolades. Mr. Helali told this correspondent that at a tender age of eight, Qudsia delivered a meticulous speech in a large gathering on the topic “Role of Urdu in India’s freedom struggle”. This little kid surprised all with her eloquence. As per Mr. Helali, who constantly tested Qudsia for intelligence from her childhood, she had an exceptionally good IQ (160).
Dr. Qudsia Tehseen when asked about the role of media in tarnishing the image of Azamgarh said that Azamgarh was always the hub of educational activities and people live here in communal harmony. Only positive work can take care of this unfortunately bad situation. She exhorted students for hard work and determination in order to achieve something.
Dr. Tehseen’s talk through Power Point presentation was well attended even in this summer vacation. Students were inquisitive and interacted with the learned Speaker at the end of presentation.