Home Indian Muslim Chandrapur in Maha tense after police beat up Muslim husband-wife duo

Chandrapur in Maha tense after police beat up Muslim husband-wife duo

By Mumtaz Alam Falahi, TwoCircles.net,

New Delhi: About a week after three policemen mercilessly beat up a Muslim family – husband and his pregnant wife – on a petty issue in Chimur area of Chandrapur district in Maharashtra the district is tense as guilty policemen have not been arrested even three days after named FIR against them.

Because no action has been taken against the policemen resentment is growing. Yesterday people came to street and blocked roads at several places in the entire district. On 15th of March Jawed Pasha, president of Muslim Republican Party of India, headed a delegation to the District Magistrate and submitted a memorandum demanding immediate action against the culprits. As no action was taken, Pasha’s party and other groups demonstrated yesterday and at some places demonstrators courted arrest.

Giving details of the incident to TwoCircles.net Pasha said: It was on 10th of March – the Holi day – when Syed Rafiq, a motor mechanic, was in the Chimur Bazar along with his wife and a young daughter. They stopped at a hotel for tea. Three policemen were also sitting there. Rafiq’s daughter began playing before the policemen. Rafiq took out his mobile to take a shot of his daughter and he took two three shots. Policemen seemed to be drunk. They thought they were being shot and came up to Rafiq and asked why he was taking their photos. He said he was shooting his daughter. But instantly they allegedly began beating him. When his pregnant wife intervened, policemen pushed her and she fell down. They continued beating the man mercilessly. They took the duo to police station and lodged FIR against them. Rafiq was also beaten there.

As the news spread the locals gathered and demanded action against the policemen. Succumbing to pressure FIR was lodged against the guilty policemen. Bu they were not arrested, nor were sent for medical checkup.

Talking to TCN local human rights activist Nazim Khan said this is not the single incident. As elections are round the corner such incident s are taking place in entire Maharashtra. BJP and communal forces want to disturb the communal harmony so that votes can be polarized. In all these incidents Muslims are being targeted.