New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Saturday said it was yet to take a decision on Uttarakhand Chief Minister B.C. Khanduri’s offer to step down after the party’s unexpected electoral debacle in the hill state.
The chief minister had offered to resign amid intra-party bickerings after the BJP lost all the five Lok Sabha seats in the state.
BJP general secretary Arun Jaitley told reporters after a meeting of the party’s parliamentary board here that “a report was submitted (by two party observers) and was discussed, but no decision has been taken”.
BJP vice president Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi and general secretary Thawarchand Gehlot were sent to Uttarakhand to ascertain the reasons for the poll debacle and take a call on Khanduri.
Jaitley and other party leaders refused to divulge what transpired at the parliamentary board meeting, attended among others by senior leader L.K. Advani and party president Rajnath Singh.
The 12-member parliamentary board is the BJP’s highest decision-making body.