Home Muslim World News Ahmadinejad says ‘ready’ to negotiate with US

Ahmadinejad says ‘ready’ to negotiate with US


Tehran : Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Friday reiterated that Tehran was ready to negotiate with the US but stressed that the talks should be held under “equal conditions”.

“The Americans keep sending us messages for negotiation. We are ready to (hold) talks and cooperate,” Ahmadinejad was quoted by Mehr news agency as saying at a meeting with university professors.

“Of course, we are ready to cooperate in global management, global disarmament, and resolving global problems under equal conditions,” he added.

The Iranian leader made a reference to the nuclear issue, saying, “Some ask why you insist so much on the nuclear issue. I should say that we welcome dialogue and logic. However, we will not accept coercion.”

Emphasising that Iran’s nuclear issue is over, he said: “I should say that Iran’s nuclear issue has been resolved and it is over.”

The president also pointed out that the administration’s “red line” is national interests.

“The heaviest possible sanctions were imposed on the Iranian nation. However, they (sanctions) were broken in such a way that they (Western countries) could never think of,” he said.

The US and its Western allies have been claiming that Iran is developing nuclear weapons under the guise of its peaceful nuclear programme, a charge Iran has denied. It insists that the uranium enrichment activities were part of its peaceful nuclear programme meant for generating electricity.