By News Desk,
New Delhi: The Students Islamic Organisation of India (SIO) while expressing deep concern over the increasing unrest in Aligarh Muslim University following the death of a student, has demanded a high-level probe into the murder, and immediate opening of the university closed on October 29 for an indefinite period.
“SIO has expressed deep condolences over the murder of AMU student Shahnawaz Alam on 25th October. The group demanded that there must be a high level investigation of this murder with three months deadline. The university must re-open with immediate effect,” said Shahnawaz Ali Raihan, National Secretary, SIO.
“SIO is ready to help the authorities to bring peace and tranquility in campus. Closure of the University will certainly affect the academic performance of university and also the upcoming semester examinations in medical and engineering faculties. It is quiet unfortunate that the issue of demand of resignation of VC has been mixed-up with the murder incident outside campus and was used to perpetrate violence, assault varsity officials and to disrupt academic activities,” he said.

The student group has also expressed concern over the poor academic condition in AMU.
“SIO strongly demands that the real problems of the university must be identified and solved amicably with democratic procedures and discipline. It is a fact that more than quarter of the teaching staffs in University is not doing their job promptly. The laws which are present which makes it obligatory for all teachers to be present in the campus from 8am to 4:00pm are not being followed. Even the system to register attendance of teachers does not exist in the university.”
The Muslim students body with nationwide presence has also demanded restoration of students union in AMU.
“SIO also demands that all reforms must be made democratically and not in an autocratic style. The democratic rights of students to work in campus and to form students union must be allowed,” said Suhail K.K, National president, SIO.